Eli Reise & Filippa Reise

Eli Reise

IL  29 years old

Filippa Reise

DK  30 years old
[Note: Here is a demonstration of what you can do with a Premium Plus account. This serves as a guideline on how you can set up your TravelMap in the way that it's intended to be used.] This is your profile. This text is about you and your companion (if you have one) and will be the same across all your maps.

Satellite map

March-June 2013  •  100 days  •  14 812 km (see details)

If you love the real colors of Earth seen from Satellite and all its elements, use this map for your trip. Make sure your lines have bright colors so they stand out on this dark map. Pro tip: Australia and its bright red desert look particularly great with this map style.